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January truly is the Monday of months


Phew, January, are you over yet?

I don’t know about you guys but it’s pretty quite here. I’m finding a lot of potential clients are not looking to commit this month, there’s still a lot of uncertainty out there isn’t there?

My inbox tells me I’m not the only one going through this – it’s stuffed with coaches selling a million and one entry-level programmes, downloadables, masterclasses.

This morning, I received an offer from a big name coach discounting a £10k programme to under £1,000.

A high-profile coach I follow and who I know hit seven figures in November is putting discounts on everything, trying to fill new programmes starting next month.

Anyone seen my mojo? I just had it a minute ago...

People whose work I love are posting about struggling to get back into their groove everywhere I look.

I’m still trying to get back into my groove. I took a full two weeks off over Christmas so the first two weeks of December was all about the wind-down and I didn’t do a whole lot about my pipeline. I have existing clients and I was so ready for a break I just thought I’d deal with the gaps in January.

Put all that together and I feel like I’m missing my mojo. Anyone else feeling that way?

Hopefully, your sales are blossoming this month. But if that’s not the case, what do we do to generate sales when we’re not feeling our usual superstar self AND our tried and tested ways aren’t working?

Here’s what I’m doing to keep on track:

· Mindset work

This is a great time for us to review some of those blocks that may be hanging around. Or have recently taken up residence (y’all know that when we clear one block a few more show up to take its place right?).

My key block right now continues to be visibility so I’ve been doing some journaling around that and boy, have a few interesting things popped up.

· Get creative

I’ve been wanting to do more talking gigs so I’ve brainstormed a few different topics. I’m working with a local yoga studio for an in-person (!!!) workshop on finding your life purpose.

Later this month I’m doing a five-day retreat on Mastering Your 2022 Mindset, starting Monday 24th. I

I’ve spoken to my member’s club about doing a talk there and I’m researching podcasts to guest on, one of my 2022 goals.

· Get into a new neighbourhood

Most of my clients come from networking and we tend to connect on LinkedIn. But I don’t spend a lot of time there. I’ve been hanging out there a bit more and starting a lot more conversations over there this last week.

Do you spend all of your time on one specific social media platform? Try at least one other but remember to tailor your posts to match the "voice" of that platform.

· Use your network

Who’s in your network that has the same ideal client as you? Speak to them about referrals (I've got three calls lined up next week from one conversation!!), joint lives or masterclasses, guest blogs. Who can you collaborate with?

Start a big spreadsheet or Trello board or go old school and grab some coloured pens and a big piece of paper. Put your network in three different categories – those closest to you that you know will help you out, those you can reconnect with and people you don’t know all that well. You might be surprised just how big your network really is!

· Get nurturing baby

Don’t neglect your current audience. Reach out and learn what people in your audience do and start some relationships (did you know it can take 6 months to move an audience member to a client?). Aim for at least one conversation a day and work your way up to ten a week.

Make sure your emails are really useful right now, January is a key time for people to unsubscribe as they clear space for the new year.

· Grow your audience

Time to update your lead magnet? Got evergreen material out there that might need refreshing? How about a nurture sequence when people join your list?

Are you running a Facebook group? Make sure you have two clear trainings available in the group, tailor your joining questions to those trainings and send new joiners directly to that training as part of your welcome email. How rockstar do you look solving a problem for someone you just met?


Seriously, anything. Just take action in a way that moves you forward, even a single step. Freeze and overwhelm are a bit chicken and egg, who knows which comes first but they walk hand-in-hand. Taking action is the biggest way you can stop yourself ending up in a situation where you are so overwhelmed by choice you can’t make one.

Let's talk toolkit

Running your business is a journey. We’re not meant to have all the tools we need to complete a journey when we start it, some of those tools have to come to us along the way.

Losing our mojo gives us the chance to add some new tools to our kit. Yes, this month is difficult for a lot of us. But guess what? It gives you the opportunity to become a better, more well-rounded business owner prepared for all types of problems.

Well hello mojo...

Above all, be kind to yourself. We all lose our mojo at some point. And guess what? It always comes back.

If you’re going through a period of intense self-doubt, review all the wins you had last year, revisit your testimonials and look at how far you’ve come from where you were this time last year.

One morning, you’ll wake up and that mojo will just be there. Like an errant teenager - no explanation about where it's been, no apologies.

But overnight everything will be back in flow.

Until then, hang in there – I know you’ve got this!!

Want to talk about options to get you moving again? Book a virtual coffee - we can do so much in 30 minutes!

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